18 setembro 2008

Mike em Harvard

Como já é do vosso conhecimento, Mike foi aceite em Harvard e esse foi o pretexto para o Jornal dessa Universidade entrevistá-lo. Aqui ficam alguns pontos abordados:

2. FM: How long are you planning on staying here?

ME: I’m a special student through the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, so I’m studying for a year. That’s what’s great about that specific program, that it offers the flexibility.

FM: Are you taking a break from Incubus while you’re here?

ME: Our drummer just had a baby, and a couple of the other guys are interested in other things, so it’s just the perfect time for me to come and study

Entrevista completa AQUI

17 setembro 2008

Super Blog Awards: Semi-Finalistas!


O teu Blogue é um dos Semi-finalistas dos Super Bock Blogue Awards!

O júri irá agora avaliar os semi-finalista e os vencedores serão anunciados durante o mês de Outubro!

Cumprimentos Autênticos,

Marketing Super Bock

13 setembro 2008

11 setembro 2008

Make Yourself Foundation

Balanço do último ano da Make Yourself Foundation:

Over the past few years, we have been so fortunate to watch the Make Yourself Foundation grow from its humble beginnings to a full fledged source of assistance and influence in the world. Through all of our combined efforts, MYF was able to reach it's first long term goal of One Million dollars late last year. Dozens of important causes were held up with your hands, Incubus' largest tour to date was able to almost completely erase its carbon footprint, and not the least of the accomplishments, together we were reminded that 'many' is more powerful than 'few. '

It has been really wonderful meeting the people all over the world whose love of art and music inspire them towards acts of selflessness. And we look forward to continuing this process further; setting new, larger goals along the way. The accolades granted to Incubus this last year, (EMA Award, Ebay Giving Works Award) are dedicated to those of you who spent your hard earn coin donating to MYF. Without your participation, we wouldn't be w
here we are today! So, what I guess I'm trying to say is, thank you! And the charities to whom those moneys went to thank you as well.

So on behalf of everyone in Incubus and once again, the organizations to which we all donated our time and resources, cheers! It has always been my observation that to live by example is the most admirable way to
walk the Earth! See you all soon...

-Brandon Boyd

10 setembro 2008

Ben Kenney Tour II

Vai começar a segunda temporada de concertos de Ben Kenney a solo. Aqui ficam as datas:

02/11/08 - Pontiac Garage Dallas, TX
03/11/08 - Emo's Austin, TX
06/11/08 - Eagle Theater Pontiac, MI
07/11/08 - Strummers Pittsburgh, PA
09/11/08 - Black Cat Washington, DC
11/11/08 - The Blender Theater New York, NY
12/11/08 - Hard Rock Boston Boston, MA
14/11/08 - Pearl Street Northampton, MA
15/11/08 - The Asylum Portland, ME
22/11/08 - Martini Ranch Scottsdale, AZ
23/11/08 - The Beatles Revolution Las Vegas, NV
24/11/08 - House of Blues San Diego, CA
25/11/08 - House of Blues Los Angeles, CA
*Mais datas brevemente*

Chegámos à bonita contagem de mais de 150 mil visitantes desde o início do blogue Incubus Portugal. A todos vocês o nosso muito obrigado, e também o nosso obrigado a todos os que votaram em nós nos Super Blog Awards 2008. Brevemente teremos mais noticias sobre esse assunto. OBRIGADO! E já agora, caso ainda não o tenham feito, votem na nossa nova sondagem do blogue.