29 dezembro 2005

Novo Livro na "calha"....

Numa entrevista de Mark Murphy (ilustrador do White Fluffy Clouds) ao site Ilustration Mundo, este afirmou que estava a preparar o um novo livro de Brandon Boyd dos Incubus...

"What are some current/upcoming projects you are working on or excited
Well, this has been a pretty intense year with book projects for Jeff Soto, Cathie Bleck, Martha Rich, Irene Hardwicke Olivieri, Picture Mechanics and Joe Sorren. There has been talk about a new Brandon Boyd book in the making and I am currently working on a book of work, sketches, artist experiences for myself. And then there is Scribble08 a new art community web site and documentary film in final tweak mode for the masses by late 2005 early 2006. Who knows what is next, currrently trying to figure out my own style of art and learn to paint. Super kind thanks for the opportunity to say hey, feel free to e-mail me at murphy@murphydesign.com
and super thanks to Nate for being a good pal. Super thanks to all of you for continually inspiring and creating cool works."

Entrevista completa em: http://www.illustrationmundo.com/article.php?art=2

Caso queiras explorar mais acerca de Mark Murphy, vai até este site: http://www.murphydesign.com/

Secção de Brandon Boyd neste último site: http://www.murphydesign.com/book_brandonboyd.html

* Carrega na imagem para ires ao site oficial dos livros de Brandon Boyd.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

hm cá em portugal onde será que consigo arranjar o livro ? :)

Anónimo disse...

Por enquanto o unico ah venda eh o White Fluffy Clouds, e este apenas esta ah venda atraves do site dos livros do Brandon Boyd. Carrega na imagem do livro, para teres acesso ao site.