21 março 2006

Steve Rennie responde a Dj Lyfe

Após algumas insinuações, critícas, insultos e outras coisas mais, por parte do Dj Lyfe (ex-dj da banda) aos Incubus, Steve Rennie decidiu responder a um post do Dj Lyfe, no Fórum Incubus-Online-View. Aqui fica a resposta no topic que tinhas como nome "DJ Kilmore at The Knitting Factory":

Dj Lyfe: "... ... So lemme think.. did I ever tell you guys how I got robbed at knifepoint in Amsterdam? Or how about when we all pitched in for jose' to get a hummer in the red light district! Then there was the time Brandon and Mark shoffner PURPOSELY left my turntables out on the sidewalk in Spain because they were "teaching me a lesson" That was a crappy story. I don't know. To tell the truth the guys never partied very hard. I was in NYC after a show and was out on the town til the next day without sleeping. These guys went straight to bed after the show. WHATEVER."
Steve Rennie: "Note to DJ 1987. Gavin, its nice to see you back on the Incubus boards but its not so nice to see you still have not moved on with your life after Incubus. Your work with Incubus on SCIENCE speaks for itself and all the fans here can judge for themselves how it rates in their book. I'm disappointed to see that you still feel the need to diss Kilmore after all we've been through. I thought you had overcome all the bitterness but sadly it seems that is not the case. I'm sure I speak for all the fans here when I say that its time for you to be the bigger man and let the past go. If all you want to do is talk shit I wih you'd take your act elsewhere.
Your friend-Ren"

Temos nova votação no blog, agora a pergunta que está no ar é:
Quem gostariam de ver a colaborar com os Incubus numa musica?

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